Monday, December 10, 2012

My Stick Is Broken......

This is me.  Twelve long, eventful years ago.  At the ripe old age of 27, I feel like I've lived through as much as your average 45 year old.  No, I haven't dealt with the teenage years, or first periods, or even the joy of not having a child in diapers, life experiences have crafted me into what I frequently say is a "90 year old woman in a 27 year old body".  Most people who read this I'm going to assume know me in one way or another, be it grade school, high school, college, work, or otherwise.  The question of the day is, "How well do you think you know me?"  Do you know that I'm a mother of three?  Do you know that I'm on my second marriage?  Do you know that I crochet?  Do you know that I was a Paramedic?  Well, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, or whiskey, a cuddly blanket and continue reading.  I promise to try to be entertaining. 

This first post is going to be lengthy at best.  I'm going to attempt to give you an overview of my life up to this point.  Then, folks, let the games begin.  I will begin posting daily entries on my thoughts for that day.  What I did, something that sparked my interest, rant about the many things that piss me off in a day.  DISCLAIMER:  This 100% absolutely will in NO way be a child friendly blog.  I have no filter for my thoughts, nor do I have any desire to attempt to censor myself.  I want this to be raw and unfiltered.  Me, at my best and at my worst.  If you are easily offended, back out now.......otherwise, stay and enjoy a sometimes comedic outlook on the not-so-simple life of one random person out there in the universe.

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