Thursday, December 27, 2012

Seriously....Quit Preaching. No One Cares!

Well said, Betty my dear.  Today my faithful followers, a rant of epic proportions.  I'm sure it will both offend and bring giggles, but these are things that I feel I need to spit out.  They're blocking the creative juices.  Plus, I'm sure most of you know someone who does one of these many things, and are equally as annoyed by them.  So without further ado........

1.  Organic food/Vegans/Gluten Free (By choice) people drive me fucking crazy!!!  Nobody gives a crap that you spend thousands of extra dollars every year to ensure that your fucking bees didn't eat any pesticides off of that damned flower.  Food is food.  Eat what you want, but please, for fuck's sake STOP trying to convince me to waste my money.  I don't care now and I never will.  I will simply smile and nod as I eat my Twinkie covered in canned nacho cheese sauce, because in the end, we're all going to die from something.  I'm not going to stress myself, my bank account, or my taste buds out just to make you happy.  To the vegans, I don't care about the animals.  God, the big bang, Buddah, evolution, or whatever the crap you believe in put them here for one purpose.  To be eaten.  If you don't want to, fine.  That just leaves more delicious prime rib for me.  I am curious though.  When performing oral sex, do you swallow the end result?  Because technically jizz does come from an animal.  Also, do you breastfeed?  These are legitimate questions.  Please, enlighten me on the rules.

2.  Conspiracy theorists should be committed.  I don't know where you people come up with some of this shit.  I mean, I personally would rather enjoy a cupcake and a good movie with my kid than sit and constantly stew over what someone else is plotting to bring on my demise.  I guess that if you don't want to stop and smell the roses that's fine, but consider this.  We are all going to die, one way or another.  You will probably die sooner than most because of constant stress and worry over airplanes seeding the clouds, or how the government was involved in all of the shootings as of late.  I don't care.  I'd rather be oblivious and happy.  You seriously need to reconsider your priorities.  While you are busy researching the internet for ways Americans will end up in concentration camps, your kids are growing up.  Likely in fear no less.  Lighten up.

3.  Religious hypocrites will burn in hell.  Christian or not.  I don't understand where people get off calling themselves "christians" when, in my experience, 95% of them are more judgmental and condescending than your average gangster.  I'm pretty sure that Jesus preached tolerance, not judgment and hate.  I understand you have your reasons for believing that things are right and wrong, but please remember this as you are spouting about how God hates fags while standing in line at Chik-Fil-A......the affair you've been having for the last 3 years, or the money you stole from your job, or the porn you hide underneath your bed is equally as wrong.  I recall reading some shit about a sliver of wood vs. a plank of wood.  Having faith is one thing, but using your faith as a weapon is another.  Your hateful words and actions must do wonders for getting people to convert to your ways.  You catch more flies with honey, just remember that.

4.  People who complain about how bad their relationship is, yet continue to deal with it, then proceed to whine about it every chance they get piss me off.  If you hate your significant other, get out. I'm tired of reading/hearing about how bad it is when you bring it on yourself.  When you keep putting yourself in the same situation over and over expecting different results, it's your own damn fault.  Quit being a moron and find someone worth your time.

5.  Why do you let your kids call EVERY guy you date daddy?  Don't you understand how damaging this is to them?  Jesus, get a clue.  Moving 18 guys in and out of your kids life causes their spirit to die just a little bit more every time another "daddy" leaves.  You should get the douchebag of the decade award.

6.  Whatever happened to common courtesy and being polite?  If you need something, by all means please ask, but when you do, don't say something like, "I need a ride to the store.  Any takers?"  It is in no way my PRIVILEGE to take you anywhere.  You should say, "Hey, I really need a ride to the store.  Could anyone please take me?  I would appreciate it."

7.  Tlkng lk ths is annoying lolz.  I don't think this needs any elaboration you fucktard.

8.  If you and I disagree on what type of music to listen to or what TV shows to watch, guess what?  That's fucking normal!  Quit telling me I'm stupid because I listen to Seether.  They have more talent and money than you, so whether you like them or not, they apparently did something right.  It does nothing but make me dislike you when you rant and rave about every note of music ever written not fitting your specific requirements.  The brooding thing is okay to a point, but really, get the fuck over it.  Music is a forum that speaks to the soul, and everyone's soul is different.  Maybe something that speaks to me for whatever reason doesn't speak to you in the same way.  That's fine, but it in no way makes me stupid.  As for TV, I will watch what I want, when I want, and you can stuff it.  If you don't like it, shove off.  Not everyone wants to watch the same thing.  Try to remember that our differences make us who we are.

9.  Quit TRYING to make yourself look slutty.  You will only ever catch sleezebags that way, and you will likely end up raped and dead in a corn field somewhere.

10.  Your political views are your own.  Not everyone will agree, and you trying to convince them otherwise will never work.  People have their beliefs and opinions for a reason.  You are in no way going to change that by leaving a ten mile long comment on their status informing them that you believe they are wrong.  QUIT IT!  Voting is supposed to be a private ordeal.  Can't we fucking keep it that way?  Quit being a twat, shut up, and go vote the way you think is best.  It's that fucking simple.

Okay, I'm done.  I'm glad I got that off my chest.  Now we can resume talking about Kermit and rainbows.  Have a great day!


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